If you want to know how some ordinary companies transformed themselves to great (and big) then this is the book for you. There are seven main ideas in the book, but not all of them were of interest to me. The four that were: Level 5 Leadership First Who, Then What The Stockdale Paradox Hedgehog Concept Level 5 Leadership CEO has to be humble but care deeply about the company. He has to find great people and trust them to do a great job. Charismatic CEO can't help the company, at least, in the long run. He may even leave it more fragile because he will take all the spotlight, fire managers that are too ambitious and is likely to rule with the iron fist. This will work for a short time but when he leaves there is no one to give orders and the company collapses. On the other hand, humble CEO uses best managers he can find, and tries to be as much dispensable as possible. First Who, Then What While hiring you can't make compromises. Every person you hire ha...