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Book Review: 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss

Interesting and motivational book. Covers some basics of elimination to stop wasting time and basics of entrepreneurship. Unfortunately beside caching title there is not much you can use or could not find elsewhere.

First I enjoyed the book and it was really good to refresh some rules of elimination. For example, I have closed my gmail tab in Chrome and moved to the desktop mail app with the checks set to every hour. It may not be the best solution, but it's a lot better.

Pareto rule (80/20) is one of those I feel inspired by and don't know how to really use.  It is great in theory, but it's much harder to put into practice.

Chapters about automation are basically about hiring Virtual Assistant from India and how that person is going to help you. Maybe VA helps him but I don't see how can I use that...

Management. It was good to read about selling the product instead of services. Nothing new, but a good reminder and something that might be a good idea.

Remote. I liked this one, but I don't think it will be the mythic solution he describes it is. To both enjoy working from the tropical island and still working you have to work much less than full-time job. Maybe I live in an information bubble but there are many articles about Americans working for 12 hours a day. If you compare 8 hour work without commute with that it can be a big difference but not when this 8-hour work is something fun and you already have time for your family.

All in all the book was fun to read and rehearsal of common business and productivity advices.

Rating: 4.5/10


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