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It's still work in progress but new posts will be published on Thanks to 11ty base blog RSS is working from the start so it should be easy to add to your reader if you still use any :) If now then I hope you can sign up to the newsletter where I'll be publishing new posts and interesting articles to it from time to time. Please use  from now on.

August Update - IDGAF

Recently I stumbled upon really nice philosophy abbrevited IDFAF that probably can make me more extrovert. Turns out being extrovertic makes introverts happier so it might be something really good for me. In last couple of months I started to care too much about what people think. Even my colleagues noticed that I was much more pessimistic and introvertic.It is time to try something new.

  1. Getting Things Done by David Allen
  2. Your Brain at Work by David Rock
  3. Design of Everyday Things by Donal A. Norman
  4. Switch by Heath Brothers
  5. A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms by George R. R. Martin
  6. Hooked by Nir Eyal
  7. The Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson
  8. Thinking with Type by Ellen Lupton
  9. Participated in Vocal Workshop
  10. I am no longer organizer of Meet.js Krakow
  11. Tai-Chi given up
  12. given up

  1. Memrise - 19/26 levels
  2. Duolingo 
  3. Guitar (practicing basic chords)
  4. iOS Programming - 12/29 chapters
  5. Remote - page 119/250 (I hope to finish it before Wednesday)

September (I know it has already started)

  1. Swimming - once a week
  2. Read a book - still haven't decided what I would pick
  3. I plan short vacation next week with my Wife in Stołowe Mountains
  4. IDGAF
  5. Buy acoustic guitar and start guitar lessons

  1. Reading Club, September 10

This month made me think about what things I really like doing, and which I am actually doing. Turns out I am reading a lot and not doing much coding in my free time lately. Maybe that is ok and I should embrace it rather than blaming myself?


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