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The Now Habit A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play by Neil A. Fiore

Most interesting ideas:

Be mindful about your self-talk.
Do not think about yourself as lazy - procrastination is an escape when you're overwhelmed or are scary about finishing.

Put your free time and thing like commute/lunch/dinner etc into the calendar. What is left is your time for work but:

  1. You have to start working for 30min and you can put something in the calendar after you have finished 30min work.
  2. Do not work more than 20hours a week and 5hours a day.

Interesting that I read it to read how I can do more to discover that I already work too much. Guilt-free time for play is probably the nicest idea from the book.

Rating: 6/10


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