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Plans for 2015

Next year will be about big changes. In January, my wife and I are going to Gibraltar. I hope it will be very educative experience to work in English speaking country. Good thing about new job is that finally I will be working on HTML5 Games - something I was thinking about for a couple of years already.

Most of the people make new resolutions to do something... unfortunately it does not work for me. The best thing I can decide to do is to create new habits. It might be a strange idea, but I am not the only one who thinks that way, for example, read "5 Ideas to Create an Amazing 2015".

I want to adjust how I have managed my plans and task and I really like the idea of weekly adjustments. This is something that I have done randomly - sometimes even after a couple of months so I hope it can really help me.

Saying that I have some big ideas and I think that putting them here can help me remember about them during the year. It may inspire your own goals so here it is:

Learn English
- I think it is the most important item on my list. Both my work and blog should benefit ;)

Learn Spanish
- Gibraltar is really small and expensive. To rent a flat, shop of just travel around Spain will be much easier knowing Spanish as many people in Spain do not know English unfortunately.

Continue Learning iOS
- I am not sure about this one. I have a bunch of books and courses and "sunk costs fallacy" makes me want to continue. I have spend so much time learning it that I hope that with relatively small amount of time I will be proficient enough to create simple apps as side projects. I really hope that Apple will open-source Swift programming language so that I could use it for server-side programming.

Learn Emacs or WebStorm
- I will try Emacs as a primary editor for two weeks and even if I fail it would be nice to know Emacs keybindings that are common, for example in terminal or many Mac apps. If Emacs will not be enough then I will switch to WebStorm. IntelliJ IDEA is really loved by the best programmers I know so there must be something good about it.

Learn 3D
* OpenGL Book
* 3D Game Programming for Kids
* Unity 3D course
- It is something conflicting (in a sense that it takes a lot of time that I want to spend) with iOS but 3D is so visually impressive that I cannot really remove it from my todo list entirely. Sunk cost works here as well, I bought books about OpenGL and Unity3D video course...

All of those can already take more than a year and I have more on my list...

- I am mostly thinking about Sketch3 for iOS, Photoshop for web development and maybe GIMP for PixelArt. Those are mostly tools - the most important is gaining experience - it takes even more time.

- It is not worth it to take my guitar with me so after I have settled up I have to decide if I want to buy a new one in Spain? Best I managed this year is 30 minutes a day and this is not really enough for me to feel like I make real progress. This is also hard to practice late at night - electric guitar or electric piano (as one of my friends bought) are much friendlier for spouses and neighbours.

- My new idea is to read when I cannot work on the Mac - it forces me to program more, the downside is that I really value reading and I think that I learned a lot in past two years.

- I have to find a new one, just that.

- Figure out where I can swim, and how to do that two times per week.

- Clojure or Racket intrigue me and I really want to learn at least one of them.

I also want to continue:

* stretching for 30min every day
* meditation
* commit to Github every day
* Duolingo English
* Duolingo Spanish
* Memrise (keep all the words fresh) and learn two new English courses (about 4800 words and phrases)
* Journal
* plan the next day on evenings
* reflect and adjust habits on Sundays

Lots of things. I have no idea how thing will turn out. I might not be able to do any of them. Who knows? Nonetheless, I found it valuable to have this list in one place. Hope it can inspire you to at least think about your bucket/todo list.

Happy New Year!


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