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Book Review: Decisive - Heath Brothers

I have picket Decisive because of recommendation. As I have some important decisions to make it was good idea to finally read it.

Book is (as title suggest) about making decisions. What is really good about this book is WRAP process it introduces and stories which support it. As "Made to Stick" it was gripping and fun to read.

Two ideas that worked really well for me:

  1. Consider what you would do if you could not pick your initial decision?
  2. Consider cost of alternative (what this decision will stop you from doing)?

These are form W (Widen your options). It is first part of the process and first part of the book but it is most important one. We all really tend to ask ourselves questions "whether to do it or not". It is basic mistake. There are other options out there for sure, just use the process to discover them.

Full WRAP process:

  1. Widen your options.
  2. Reality-test your assumptions.
  3. Attain distance before deciding.
  4. Prepare to be wrong.

I can recommend it even if you do not have any big decisions on the horizon, it can help you even with the small ones.

Rating: 8/10


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