
Showing posts from July, 2013

New blog domain:

It's still work in progress but new posts will be published on Thanks to 11ty base blog RSS is working from the start so it should be easy to add to your reader if you still use any :) If now then I hope you can sign up to the newsletter where I'll be publishing new posts and interesting articles to it from time to time. Please use  from now on.

June Update - Kaizen & Time Warrior

Last wednesday group of 7 people (progres! :) meet and talked about book and I found it really fun to organize it.  Unfortunately One book that I wanted to read last month was to big for me (SICP). Right now I'm at about 60% of it...   About 50% I have decided to read something lighter and make small break. For that I have started One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way by Robert Maurer Ph.D. Filozofia Kaizen : This if Polish translation of this short book and I found it really fun and easy to read. I like how agile (even agilemanifesto) it is. I have read for those small little ideas in this book. I'm still thinking how practical it is in the long term without help of coach/friend that would help you decide what you want to do and when to change this one small thing to something slightly bigger. Takeout: Try revolutionary changes in life but if failed go to Kaizen (or start with it) and build habit fixing you life one small/silly problem at ...