Last wednesday group of 7 people (progres! :) meet and talked about book and I found it really fun to organize it. Unfortunately One book that I wanted to read last month was to big for me (SICP). Right now I'm at about 60% of it... About 50% I have decided to read something lighter and make small break. For that I have started One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way by Robert Maurer Ph.D. Filozofia Kaizen : This if Polish translation of this short book and I found it really fun and easy to read. I like how agile (even agilemanifesto) it is. I have read for those small little ideas in this book. I'm still thinking how practical it is in the long term without help of coach/friend that would help you decide what you want to do and when to change this one small thing to something slightly bigger. Takeout: Try revolutionary changes in life but if failed go to Kaizen (or start with it) and build habit fixing you life one small/silly problem at ...