
Showing posts from April, 2013

New blog domain:

It's still work in progress but new posts will be published on Thanks to 11ty base blog RSS is working from the start so it should be easy to add to your reader if you still use any :) If now then I hope you can sign up to the newsletter where I'll be publishing new posts and interesting articles to it from time to time. Please use  from now on.

Minimalist Manifesto

From time to time I stumble upon one of roules in this manifesto. I strongly recommend to get to know them and just try use use them. Right now for me the first one is the hardest :( Fight for Pareto - dropping features. This is many times connected with Synthesis and working in company/team when there is someone else that designes and plans what to do next in product. Points in manifesto aren't new, and they can be found in many other manifesto's but I think that it's worth a couple of minutes to read them again from time to time.

Last Month Update - Meet.js Krakow

I want to give some update what I've done Books that I read: The Book of CSS3  by Peter Gasston Make: Electronics. Learning Through Discovery By Charles Platt (2nd chapter) Mixu's Node Book  - pretty well written book about Node.js Single page apps in depth by Mixu as well. The Wise Man's Fear (The Kingkiller Chronicle) by Patrick Rothfuss (really good fantasy!) Pomnik Cesarzowej Achai - ch2 by Andrzej Ziemiański Krav-Maga for beginners. Web Design and Mobile Trends for 201 3 Courses finished: HTML5 Game Development  course on Shell-Fu  course on Memrise Talks: DevTank at - I talked about Promises AGH - as one of the speakers, and then on laboratories on Mobile Web. Meet.js Kraków - organizer and speaker. I talked about LeapMotion and how to JS with it :) Maybe more about Meet.js Kraków. This was first time that I was an organizer so pretty big amount of my free time went into that. We get about 18...