
Showing posts from February, 2011

New blog domain:

It's still work in progress but new posts will be published on Thanks to 11ty base blog RSS is working from the start so it should be easy to add to your reader if you still use any :) If now then I hope you can sign up to the newsletter where I'll be publishing new posts and interesting articles to it from time to time. Please use  from now on.

Essential JavaScript Design Patterns 1.1 (For Beginners)

Free Book about Design patters for beginners. Essential JavaScript Design Patterns 1.1 – A Free Updated Book For Beginners Direct link to html version:

Optymalizacja javascript

Ciekawy artykuł ze zbiorem porad odnośnie optymalizacji JavaScriptu. Kilka moim zdaniem zmniejsza czytelność kodu, jednak warto o nich wiedzieć jeśli zajdzie potrzeba :) Całość oczywiście warta przeczytania. Polecam Optymalizacja javascript - zbiór trików - Design Concept

Node.js Beginner Introduction

What is Node.js Short version: JavaScript engine from Chrome with modules for handle files and httpServer. In this post: Installation Cloud9 IDE Hosting Example 1: Installation Go to  and decide if You want stable (4.*) version or dev (5.0-pre). Stable can be downloaded from:  with tar.gz format. Dev from github. Installation: On my ubuntu it was pretty easy, but If You fail to install it, don't give up and check section about Cloud :) 2: Cloud Sign up for beta at: Cloud9 IDE uses github for signup - You must have github accout checkout of project code (creation of new project via pasting github repo url) Cloud9 IDE has some 'beta' bugs but it is usable now and can be used to develop Node.js applications. You must be aware that Cloud9 IDE needs some specified values of host and port tu run ...

JavaScript MVC

Just read great article about MVC in JavaScript. Great post about how MVC can be used in JavaScript without any frameworks. But I must admit that some time ago I found two JS frameworks, but yet have to opportunity to play with them.

PhiloGL - new WebGL framework.

Awesome WebGL examples at PhiloGL page: PhiloGL is a new framework for WebGL. Since WebGL is active on default in Chrome I am starting to think that OpenGL really now have a opportunity to live and be popular (as WebGL). Po polsku: ------------------------------------------------------------- PS. Yesterday I read 39 pages of git immersion, after it I know why git is much better in command line than svn (ok speed and worklow are great, but everyone knows that! I known about it even before reading git immersion). And the most impressive was that all 39 pages uses commit to local repository, but this is like commiting to my work copy. I have svn but doesn't have to create local repositories directory to commit to! I think that git make it not even easy but trivial to work with source control with every files that can change. (assuming work with lo...

You’re a Bad Programmer

Why You’re a Bad [PHP] Programmer Original post is about PHP, but if You use another language simply replace PHP with Your language. But after reading I started to think how in team work be "out of Your Comfort Zone" and still write easy to understand code?

Eloquent JavaScript

Interactive JavaScript book. Free JavaScript book: This is exactly what I was looking for a long time! What makes it unique is HTML (interactive) format: it contains code examples that are executable in course page.  -- direct link to first chapter. There is printable version on Amazon , and "code sandbox for the paper book" that looks really awesome: This post is not review, but I think that it will be really hard not to read it in near future ;) And for today I think about Git tutorial from yesterday.

Funny but worth reading

PHP is better than Ruby Irony in article and flame war in comments, really funny! THINGS REAL PEOPLE DON'T SAY ABOUT YOUR APP Just must see! PL ( to jak demotywatory dla programistów i deweloperów! ;)

Slideshow with CSS

With CSS3 it is possible to create slidehow without JavaScript. And direct link to demo:

Git - beginner tutorial

Now I'm reading about JavaScript so this post is a bookmark for future, but I think that this is good enough to share it: Looks really great and is based on real workflow and command line commands.  If only I am thinking that 6 hours of sleep is a waste of time? ;) There is so much things to do and learn, there is simply not enough time to learn it all :( 

JavaScript Garden

JavaScript Garden to poradnik z którego możemy przypomnieć sobie podstawy, czasami takie nie do końca oczywiste oraz dowiedzieć się czego unikać, bo np. jest wolne. Przypomina mi to trochę kurs z dobrymi przykładami. Na pewno warte przeczytania dla każdego zainteresowanego JavaScriptem. Miłego czytania! (must read)